Australian user-group success

User groups are vital to Zipporah, because users’ shape solution developments, ensuring that our products remain the most fit-for-purpose, versatile and comprehensive options in the marketplace.

Due to time-differences and sometimes vast distances between various client sites in Australia, Zipporah held our first ever digital usergroup.  Conducing the user-group in a digital environment allowed clients to take part from the comfort of their offices, avoided high travel costs and permitted an unlimited amount of participants to join.

This, modern approach to user-groups facilitated all the usual benefits; allowing members to have their say on how they’d like to see Zipporah systems evolve as well as discuss their individual successes with the systems and more.  Particular interest was generated this year around the introduction of the following enhancements:

User and booking tasks with automated emails

As part of Zipporah's work to give you more CRM in your solution, tasks can now be created and linked to user accounts to record interactions and set reminders with automatic triggering of emails when action is required.

Dashboard update

With the introduction of a reports dashboard, Zipporah solutions now boast the ability to visualise your reports, at a glance, in real-time via a series of graphs and charts.

Additional reporting capabilities

Paging, searching and ordering enhances your ability to get the most from your reports; allowing you to analyse your results faster and more efficiently than ever before. 

Style enhancements

Our latest enhancements include improved calendar pages, greater support for mobile devices, a brand new navigation system and more intuitive workflows.

20 minute timeout refresher

With our 20 minute timeout now being refreshed on a per-page basis, your customers have time to complete their bookings at a comfortable pace.

Charge-band enhancements to cater for different hire times

Further development of charge bands allows multiple bookings to be made with varying bandings.  Add half and whole day costs straight from the charges, simplifying your category structures.

The roll out of Zipporah's latest enhancements, (including those highlighted above) has already commenced in both the UK and Australia.

Following the success of the Digital User Group, Zipporah are investigating the best method and platform to suit our UK audience.  It is hoped that by conducting digital user-groups in the UK, it will increase participation and meet the changing requirements of our clients.

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